EmpowernatorJune’s FinTech Adventures.
This pilot submitted to Amazon for an original TV series incorporates 3 episodes for different targeted consumer audiences and related businesses.
Key tech issues like public wifi risks, tech enabled education programs & 24/7 personal safety solution are explained simply and in a captivating way.

TMV’s pilot/sizzle reel with 3 minute embedded episodes:
(1) EmpowernatorJune’s Woman Executive Travel Accessories are being considered for the new Tech Wearable to be developed in an Intel sponsored, Mark Burnett TV product development series.
(2) Demonstrating a new product for a new company via a compelling story for a connected panic button for personal safety;
(3) fun charity example for: a women tech education program grant & a karaoke event for any charity with 5 steps on how entrepreneurs can create any Movement and how to be the JIT leader engaging a diverse group with a team spirit.

Collaborate with June via email. For:
Distribution Channels, let us grow your audience via our extensive network.
Product & Company Marketing, we will create a custom captivating, memorable, 3 minute whiteboard animation or we can offer product placements in our safety, cyber security, tech wearables, women education empowerment, charity segments.
Corporate Sponsors, unique advertising for targeted customer experiences.
Unknown Production Companies>, TMV is a syndication agency that sells video online content to places like facebook, hulu… We do for online video what Amazon did for small publishers.

#Superpowerforgood #EmpowernatorJune #BillandMelindaGates #GatesNotes #JuneKlein #tmvinc #technology #marketing #ventures #electronic-boardroom #BMGF #resiliency #cybersecurity #wearables #syndication #viral video #innovation #Microsoft #collaboration #glg #amazon
