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Electronic Ventures GameChanger provides strategy & development for policy level leaders. By creating “next practices”, clients prosper from changing competitive landscapes.
CONTACT JUNE KLEIN June Klein Corporate Headshot
– CEO Technology & Marketing Ventures Inc
– Electronic-BoardroomTMVi(r) Solution Implementor
– Tech Advisor to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
– Boardmember, Investor, Advisor Paythru Ltd.
– Sequoia Security FinTech Due Diligence & Cybersecurity Boardroom Sweeps
– US&UK information integrator + enterprise developer
– 5th Estate Megatrend Guru
– Founding Leadership Award Ambassadors for Philanthropy

June Klein presenting at Oxford Internet Symposium Entrepreneurship grounded by Fortune 50 exec positions at: IBM, Wang, JPMorganChase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Federal Reserve; and MBA finance/marketing, BS math/education, Graduate Technology degrees, boardmember training certficates.

Oxford Internet Institute 5th Estate Movements Partner/Sponsor, Video Voices in Oxford Contributor, British Airways 2011 Face of Opportunity Winner and Guest Marketing Discussion Chair, 2011 International Commerce Consultant Award and Reagan Entrepreneur Award. Her paper was in the top 10 of worldwide downloads and academic publications of the Social Science Research Network.

TMVi Tax Benefit Exchange(tm) needs to directly reach House Ways & Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee or Obama to reinstate a tax tweak that proved to create jobs and jumpstart the economy without increasing the deficit. My proposal is reinvented to help small businesses that create at least 70% of new jobs.

TMVi helps our clients prosper from changing competitive landscapes by global venture development. It is helping “about.YOU” become bigger, bolder, better in “about.movements” that improve the ways things work. This is an unprecedented opportunity for networked “” to drive change and accountability.
Manhattan Chamber of Congress memberBritish Airways Winner badge

